
A straight-back saw with striped back. Hardwood handle, stained, weatherproof finish. Indeed, it is a "Leader" in the low-priced field. A BIG value for the retail price of $1.00. Cross-cut: 26"-8 points.

A skew-back saw with striped back. Hardwood handle
stained cherry color, weatherproof finish and carved. Biggest value ever offered to retail at $1.25. Cross-cut: 26" --8 points.

Skew-back pattern, striped back saw. Hardwood handle carved on grip; mahogany color, weatherproof finish. Cross-cut: 20" and 22" -- 9 and 10 points, $1.25; 24" -- 7, 8 and 9 points, $1.40; 26" -- 7 and 8 points; and Rip: 26"- 5½ points, $1.50.

A nicely finished, skew-back pattern with striped back. Thin back, teeth bevel filed. Carved grip handle, stained gun metal, weatherproof finish. Cross-cut: 26" -- 7 and 8 points; Rip: 26" -- 5½ points, $1.75.

Skew-back, finely made, striped back saw; extra high finish. Thin back, teeth bevel filed. Stained light brown, weatherproof finish, carved grip handle. Cross-cut: 16" -- l0 points, $1.10; 20" -- 9 points, $1.40; 26" -- 7 and 8 points and Rip
26" -- 5½ points, $2.00.

Skew-back, taper ground saw, striped back, extra high finish. Teeth bevel filed. Full carved, hardwood handle, stained light brown, weatherproof finish. Cross-cut: 20" --
10 points, $1.75; 22" -- l0 points, $1.85; 24" -- 8 and 9
points, $2.15; 26" -- 7, 8, 9 and 10 points and Rip: 26" -- 5½
and 6 points, $2.35.
And remember, every one of these keystone
SAWS is "Made-by-Disston"... there are no
better popular-priced saws made anywhere!
except lightweight (ship) pattern, straight-back, supplied in the following sizes:
Cross-cut: 24" -- 8 and 9 points, $2.15; 26" -- 7 ,8, 9 and 10 points and Rip: 26" -- 5½ and 6 points, $2.35.